As of July 2017, nearly 600 peer-reviewed papers with substantive contributions of BATS data have been published since the inception of the project in 1988, with publication of 25 papers on average each year. Using Google Scholar, these 600 papers have been cited in the literature over 65,000 times, and the h-index and i-10 number for the BATS project are 129 and 544, respectively. Papers with BATS data have been cited approximately 4,500 to 6,000 times each year during the past five years.
You can access a complete list of refereed publications utilizing BATS program data, organized by year of publication as of August 1, 2007, or view the BATS Google Scholar citation list, for more information on the scholarly impact of the BATS program.
Contact Information
Dr. Nicholas Bates, PI
Senior Scientist and Director of Research, BIOS
Dr. Rod Johnson, Co-PI
Assistant Scientist, BIOS
Dr. Michael Lomas, Co-PI
Senior Research Scientist, Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
Dr. Deborah Steinberg, Co-PI
CSX Professor of Marine Science, Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences